Cancer Treatment Drug (Paclinab)

Albumin Banded Paclitaxel

    1. NanoScale Certification

    2. 2014/11/12
    3. 2015/11/11
    1. NanoScale Certification

    2. 2021/04/19
    3. 2024/04/17
Introduction Application Properties Advantage Of Using Nanotechnology Manual And Maintenance Safety And Package
This product is albumin banded paclitaxel, with Abraxane brand name. Paclitaxel is a natural anti-cancer material that inhibits the process of cell division and growth of cancer cells. This drug uses albumin as carrier of water insoluble molecules in the body which selectively accumulates in tumor tissues. It does not have side effects like other solvent based chemotherapy drugs since the effective anti-cancer paclitaxel drug is banded to albumin.
Treatment of various cancers including breast, pancreatic, ovarian and lung cancers
Significant number of particles with sizes below 100 nm in FESEM images
Mean particle size of 146 nanometers
Nanoscale particles increase the particles penetration to cancer tissue and improve drug delivery to the tumor.
  • Consume under the supervision of an experienced physician in the area of chemotherapy drugs
  • Store the vials in original cartons below 25 ºC. 
  • Protect from light.
Stop receiving if you had a severe allergic reaction
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